Tips to Enhance Your Child’s Vocabulary


Before young children learn how to read, they must first develop a well-rounded understanding of basic words and what they mean. Although this may seem overwhelming, there are simple ways you can build your preschooler’s vocabulary to introduce early reading concepts. Many of these activities you may already perform throughout your day without noticing it.

As a trusted provider of child care in New Orleans, Louisiana, we will share tips to enhance your child’s vocabulary:

  • Take regular trips to the library.

    The library is a good place to start expanding your child’s knowledge. In addition to early childhood education, taking them to the library can help with literacy-building skills from a young age. Ask your local librarian for recommendations on age-appropriate books and see if there are any upcoming events or activities that you and your child can take part in.

  • Substitute commonly used words for synonyms.

    When engaging in daily conversation or asking your child to perform a certain task or activity, try to substitute certain words for synonyms. This will allow your child to become familiar with the meaning of words that they use in everyday conversation and what they mean.

  • Place labels around the house.

    To help your child learn more words, place labels around the house. Labeling commonly used items at home will help them recognize what the word looks like. In addition to saying these words often, showing them will also build their basic comprehension skills.

The Love Center Day Care Learning Center Academy is a well-established and reputable provider of high-quality 24 hour daycare in New Orleans. From infant care to pre-kindergarten, we offer several early childhood development programs for young learners. Reach out to us to learn more.

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